The life has ben vanquished. you who think im fine, you who have to love me dont care to ask anything.
thos two are making you broken so you leav me be and take care of thos two.
Im being eaten alive, the darkness and heavy fealing is doing this.
a drip is making the last point . i who no one like is sitting her whit a happy face.
let the shared keep going on if you take that path only sadness will come to them that care for me
for me the heavy things will end and i dont need to struggel any more...
Xo Xo

thos two are making you broken so you leav me be and take care of thos two.
Im being eaten alive, the darkness and heavy fealing is doing this.
a drip is making the last point . i who no one like is sitting her whit a happy face.
let the shared keep going on if you take that path only sadness will come to them that care for me
for me the heavy things will end and i dont need to struggel any more...
Xo Xo

cool blogg!